Delivering new affordable homes for Maidenhead
It is often said that we are not pushing developers hard enough when it comes to affordable housing, or making them pay to fund the infrastructure required to support their new developments.
Well thanks to the adoption of the Borough Local Plan we see the approval of a planning application which will deliver:
1). 199 new homes of which 60 are affordable (30%) in a range of 2-4 bed homes. Of these 60 affordable homes 27 are for social rent and 21 are for affordable rent. Furthermore, 126 of the 199 are homes with 3-5 bedrooms, so not flats.
2). A net zero carbon development
3). Enough solar PV panels to provide a 5.8% increase in RBWM's total renewable energy generation capacity
4). 20.8% biodiversity net gain (on and off site provision)
5). £6.7m in infrastructure payments to RBWM through CIL and S106
6). The creation of around 1,000 construction jobs, sustained over the build period
On the affordable housing we will ensure that genuinely local people in need get first refusal on these homes before offering more widely to those on the housing list within RBWM.
Leader of the Council